From time to time the local town Council organize Sunday excursions to scenic places in the island, providing free transportation and guides in exchange for people picking up the garbage they may find along the trail; that's why you see us with those square shaped bags.

This way island trails are kept spot clean all year round, the day these photographs were taken we were just able to fill half a bag of rubbish during a full morning!

Here we are at the beginning of the trail, just above Bahia do Cura (Catholic priest Bay), in the East coast of Santa Maria island:

Being of volcanic origin, all of the Azores islands are full of caves, this one is very convenient for refreshing under the shadow before descending to Maia:

The guide was Italian but very learned about the local history:

Maia is the tiny coastal town you can see behind us; they grow wonderful grapes (uva de cheiro) in those terraces: